SOMFY Foundation relies on the employees of SOMFY Group, who voluntarily give their time to support projects identified within its network of associations. Their commitment makes it possible to build real partnerships on the field, as close as possible to the needs of associations, in order to help people in difficulty. 

Aware of the role it plays at the heart of the general interest, SOMFY Foundation wants to be as close as possible to local needs. So, since 2012, it has been developing a form of philanthropy based on people, thanks to a valuable and ongoing dialogue with the company's employees and associations.

SOMFY's human strength is at the service of vulnerable people. Humanitarian sponsorship means meeting, close to where you work or live, associations that work for the homeless or people in very precarious situations in order to help them.

Based on the needs identified by the associations, SOMFY Foundation offers solidarity missions to Group employees who sign up according to their desire and availability. Employees then have the opportunity to make a voluntary commitment of up to 3 days a year, during their working hours, to support an association. Many SOMFY employees are ready to help associations in more than 170 professions.



missions since June 2012


employees have donated working time for a good cause

The principle behind our human philanthropy is simple

SOMFY Foundation surveys the needs of associations at both operational, strategic levels and proposes solidarity missions to SOMFY Group employees.
Employees then volunteer to help during their working hours,
to these associations.

This approach is in line with a skills sponsorship approach, which is an essential vector of mutual aid for these associations but also creates value for the company's employees.

SOMFY Foundation offers 4 formats of engagement:

Solidarity worksites

Skills based sponsorship

Solidarity challenges

Solidarity leave

I'm in

Volunteering Stories

A self-help day in Poland
with Habitat for Humanity

"Each volunteer took time out to chat with the family and gain a better understanding of their living conditions. The end of the day was very emotional. A lot of us had a lump in our throats and tears in our eyes. And everyone left ready to roll up their sleeves again next year."

Yilmaz OZTURAN, Somfy Eastern Europe BA Director



Putting your skills and expertise at the service of an association to provide it with a skill that it does not possess, helping to make it autonomous and growing mutually through immersion in different fields.



An annual event in November, associations and employees get together to tackle a problem raised by the association. SOMFY employees come from all walks of life. The challenge takes the form of a 3-hour brainstorming workshop. In June, the teams meet for a retrospective of the challenges.

Solidarity leave

Solidarity leave

With our partner Planète Urgence, employees donate 15 days of their holiday to a project. This is the "humanitarian" format and offers employees missions linked to the preservation of biodiversity or training (particularly in office automation, communication, etc.).