
Environmental conservation

A better world for future generations

Climate change and environmental degradation are at the heart of contemporary global concerns. The IPCC's sixth report (2023) shows a rapid increase in greenhouse gas emissions, leading to global warming of 1.5°C by the 2030s. Climate risks are increasing, as are the impacts on natural ecosystems.

Coordinated action is crucial for a sustainable future. This is why, in 2021, the SOMFY Foundation has decided to broaden its scope of action to include an environmental dimension.

By associating itself with actions to preserve the environment, biodiversity and the energy renovation of buildings, the SOMFY Foundation is contributing to the fight against climate change and environmental degradation, to ‘live better on the planet’.



By developing partnerships with environmental organisations

The first concrete example of this environmental commitment is the SOMFY Foundation's partnership with the ONF - Agir pour la Forêt fund.

In 2022, the SOMFY Foundation will be working with the ONF to reforest the Magland forest in Haute-Savoie. This forest was ravaged by a storm in 2019, destroying 170 hectares of forest cover. Despite reforestation efforts, in 2022 there were still 10 hectares not reforested, requiring the planting of 12,000 trees of different species.

This reforestation project is of vital importance for the Arve Valley, where the SOMFY Group's head office is located in France. It is the biggest ecological project since the Arve Valley Atmosphere Protection Plan.

As a key player in this area, the SOMFY Foundation has undertaken not only to support this project financially, but also to involve SOMFY Group employees directly.

To raise employee awareness of the challenges facing forests in the context of climate change, the Foundation organised two environmental solidarity days. 61 employees took part in these days, supervised by ONF guides. They received training on the challenges of modern forests and played an active part in planting 1.7 hectares of trees. The SOMFY Foundation is also committed to maintaining this plantation for five years, as part of this partnership.

These initiatives illustrate the new mission of the SOMFY Foundation, which combines human well-being with environmental protection, marking a significant evolution in its field of action.

Getting involved

For the planet on an international scale

Since 2014, the SOMFY Foundation has been committed to international solidarity with Habitat for Humanity.

In 2023, as part of the expansion of its missions and its desire to act to preserve the environment, the SOMFY Foundation is enhancing its international solidarity approach through a partnership with ACTED, an NGO working ‘the last mile of humanity’ to support more than 20 million beneficiaries in 42 countries, thanks to the 5,000 emergency, rehabilitation and development projects carried out.

2023 marks the beginning of the partnership with a first major contribution and concrete action to help earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria with its Middle East subsidiary. SOMFY Foundation joined forces with SOMFY Group's Middle East subsidiary to help victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The aim: to support 200 households with money, food and hygiene items so that they can meet their basic needs. SOMFY Foundation provided €30k in emergency aid. Co-financing of 10k€ was provided by the subsidiary and SOMFY Foundation, bringing total financial support to 40k€.

The SOMFY Foundation is also active internationally through its collaboration with Planète Urgence, an NGO dedicated to the preservation of forests and biodiversity, local development and environmental awareness. The Solidarity Leave programme enables SOMFY Group employees to take part in solidarity missions abroad. In 2023, three volunteers were selected for international assignments.

Through these initiatives, the SOMFY Foundation demonstrates its ongoing commitment to preserving the environment and supporting communities around the world.