São Paulo is a very large city with almost 12 million inhabitants
Many of its residents live in sub-standard housing. The Heliópolis community is located in the south of São Paulo. In fact, it is the largest favela in São Paulo. Between 150,000 and 200,000 people live in this community. Habitat for Humanity is developing this project and identifying families in need, giving them financial aid and technical assistance to create decent living conditions. All households requesting help are first visited, then families are selected on the basis of their vulnerability, their state of health, the precariousness of housing and their socio-economic situation.
While these repairs are basic, they do help families regain the dignity they deserve. These families now have homes in which they are not ashamed to invite friends. A lick of paint, improved ventilation and a new floor all contribute to improving the household’s sanitary situation. These repairs improve the overall health of the family. And it is not just the person who asks for help who benefits but the whole family.