may 5 2022
Somfy Foundation worlwide
"A House is a Home” what is it all about?
Somfy Foundation international program “A House is a Home” started in January, 2014. The first actions were concentrated in France and Brazil, with Habitat for Humanity, in the favelas of Héliopolis
The program then extended to new territories: Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Germany, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Egypt, Greece, Poland, India, Brazil, Australia, France and the United States
Thanks to the program “A House is a Home”, Somfy Group subsidiaries can commit themselves alongside with Somfy Foundation
And concretely, how does it work?
Each year, the subsidiaries that are willing to support a NGO, identify a project to be co-financed with Somfy Foundation, in the field of decent housing for the most disadvantaged people. Both give a financial support that can be completed with employee skills volunteering
What happened in 2021 for Somfy Foundation International Program?
In 2021, 7 projects were financially supported together with Somfy Group subsidiaries and Somfy Foundation:
Habitat for Humanity :
- Australia: housing assistance following the fires that destroyed the country
- Romania: assistance with access to decent housing for 12 families
Poil de Carotte / SOMFY France: two emergency accommodation units were built
Progetto Arca / SOMFY Italy: emergency accommodation center for homeless people and their pets
Arrèls / SOMFY Spain: housing and social reintegration assistance for people in need
Techo / SOMFY Mexico: construction of houses for people in emergency situations
Karm Marg / SOMFY India: covid emergency aid
Other financial support was granted in 2021
Habitat for Humanity
- Haiti : emergency aid following earthquakes
- Ivory Coast: improvement of living conditions in Dida village
- Housing Forum: forum for collaborative solutions on housing
Many initiatives have been carried out as well, in many of our subsidiaries, such as collections of clothing, food, books and toys for the benefit of NGOs supported by our colleagues in the subsidiaries
In 2021, “A House is a Home” represented 13 solidarity missions carried out, 52 employees engaged for a total of 58 days of solidarity on 3 different continents
But who is Habitat for Humanity?
Habitat for Humanity is a leading international NGO founded in 1976.
The NGO has offices in more than 70 countries on all five continents. More than 35 million people in the world have been helped
Habitat for Humanity builds strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter, through 4 areas of activity:
- New homes, rehabilitation, repairs, construction, technical assistance, disaster risk reduction and response
- Heath, water and sanitation, trainings
- Housing microfinance, financial education, capacity building
- Renewable energy, energy efficiency and education, sustainable development
Habitat for Humanity’s strategy:
- Build community impact: Improve housing conditions
- Build sector impact: partner to increase shelter access
- Build societal impact: inspire actions to end poverty housing
A historical partnership with Somfy Foundation !
It all started in 2014, 7 years ago, in the favela of Heliopolis, Brazil
Our local subsidiaries have helped almost 500 people to live in better homes + 750 people with community-wide projects
More than 100 of Somfy employees have offered a hand up as volunteers to support families in need
Somfy Foundation also took part to the Housing Forum : a conference organized by Habitat for Humanity International, alongside multiple partners and donors, that gathers under one roof major stakeholders engaged in seeking solutions to affordable housing issues and promotes decent housing as a driver of economic growth.
Topics covered: covid-19, climate change, migration, justice and equity through the housing ecosystem, sustainable development goals
The objectives of the housing forum were:
- Promote and advocate for inclusive, affordable, equitable and healthy housing in Europe;
- Develop a common vision and capacities to scale up the low-income housing sector in Europe;
- Promote leaders and sector players with innovative and impactful housing initiatives through sharing of best practices that include Public-Private-People partnerships
- Reward and celebrate the most innovative affordable housing solutions in Europe.
Somfy Foundation wanted to support a meaningful event that advocates for affordable, decent and safe housing
Want to know more? check out the 2021 Europe Housing forum replays :
And what is to be expected for 2022?
New projects will be supported in collaboration with Somfy Group subsidiaries and with the support of Somfy Foundation
Furthermore, the Ukrainian crisis has strengthened ties with Habitat for Humanity. An exceptional grant was given to the NGO to contribute to the assistance provided to Ukrainian families.
Our subsidiaries have contributed alongside Somfy Foundation to the financial needs reported by Habitat for Humanity and have mobilized themselves in numerous initiatives to help Ukrainian families.
Other subsidiaries will carry out projects dear to their hearts, as a way to contribute to build a better world for the future generations.